[Remoto] Cloud Services Engineer na Neat


We’re an agile, collaborative and consensus-driven decision team, with an opening to join our team as a Cloud Services Engineer. We’re looking for a talented, Software Engineer with hands-on experience building cloud services and APIs.

Our stack runs on AWS and is comprised of a variety of technologies, most significantly Ruby on Rails, Node.js, MongoDB and ElasticSearch. The position will be responsible for building new APIs and enhancing existing ones that will be leveraged by our client applications (web, mobile, and desktop), as well as the development of new micro-services for use both by our client applications as well as internally by other services.

As part of this position, coordination with the product team over functional requirements, QA team over quality assurance, and other development teams over integration will be required.



Remoto. Início imediato. Preferencialmente na timezone brasileira ou próximo. Estamos situados na Filadélfia - US (EST).


Inglês avançado.


Contrato via PJ ou Pessoa física, não faz diferença para nós. Pagamento em dólares Americanos.

Como se candidatar

Por favor, envie um email para [email protected] com o link do seu Github, CV e Linkedin, se tiver.

Enviar no assunto: Vaga Cloud Services Engineer

Se possível coloque sua pretensão salarial (em USD) e disponibilidade para começar.

Fonte: https://github.com/backend-br/vagas/issues/2333