[Remote] Full-time Salary - React Web/Native Developers

Nossa empresa

Popstand is a 7 year, 35+ team, remote-first company looking to hire talented React Web/Native developers to join our growing team full time.

Your work will be centered around developing in-house and for-client projects. If you find yourself writing code that impresses, wanting more and different project exposure than your current company can provide, feeling like your job is going no where and you want to work with a team you can grow into the career you deserve, and you’re proficient with general React stacks, then you’re a perfect fit.

This is a full-time, competitive salary, full-time developer position, for the right candidates.

We’re interested in applicants that have an entrepreneurial drive, self starters, doesn't mind a tough bug or feature that is a good challenge and excitement around building a future together as a team.

Tags: React.js, React Native, Firebase, Graphql, Apollo, Hasura, Typescript, Node.js, Next.js, Pleno, Sênior

Descrição da vaga

Solidity / Cadence Developer




Obrigatórios: - 3+ years professional experience with React / React Native

Desejáveis: - Other technology / stack experience is beneficial

Diferenciais: - Experience working with open-source projects


Como se candidatar

Please send an email to [email protected] with subject "Backend Brasil Developer Job Posting" and please include and fill out the following below to be considered:

Questionnaire: Availability (part-time or full-time): When can you start: Overall years of experience writing smart contracts (start to present day): React.js - React Native - Firebase - Graphql - Apollo - Hasura - Typescript - Node.js - Next.js -

Other unlisted experience you want to let us know about:

Tempo médio de feedbacks

We try to respond to everyone, though sometimes we get busy and may take a bit longer to get back to you.




Fonte: https://github.com/backend-br/vagas/issues/4872