Comparing JSON and MessagePack

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Yes, technically MessagePack wins pretty much every test. But the difference is so little I can’t see many benefits on migrating from JSON to MessagePack.

Might make sense to use it from beginning, though. MessagePack is slightly faster and lighter than json.

Using MessagePack to exchange data between browser and server doesn’t seem to make sense in my opinion. The response length decreases by very little when gzipped (a few bytes), but your network debugging gets harder as your response is now binary encoded. On the other hand, this might make your api less prone to be consumed by bots given this serialization format is not so common.

You can find the benchmark code and raw numbers in this repository I created.

Quick note: This article looks terrible on mobile screens. Sorry about that, but I need to present tables to show my data. Ping me on twitter if you have a better way for representing this data instead of tables.

What is MessagePack?

As described in the MessagePack's official website it is like JSON, but fast and small.

In other words, MessagePack is a serialization format that transforms data structures into binary strings.

The reason why it is so efficient is that structures are mapped with very short binary stream notation. It’s output has nearly half the size of a JSON’s.

The official website’s example compares the same data structure represented in both JSON and MessagePack formats. The example used in the home page shows a map containing two entries: compact = true and schema = 0.

The JSON encoded version of such map has 27 bytes, while MessagePack encodes it into 18 bytes only.

// Map used as official
// example
$json = [
  "compact" => true,
  "schema" => 0,

// 27 bytes

// 18 bytes

I learned about this format very recently and by accident, reading a tweet from @eminetto , but apparently it exists since 2012 or so.

It intrigued me a lot, since I work with a high traffic applications that exchange lots of data in JSON format with different services in the back-end. Smells like a low hanging fruit for performance improvement.

I decided then to benchmark MessagePack’s PHP C extension against the native PHP’s JSON extension.

The benchmarking environment

To test this I set up a very simple repository containing three different benchmark files. One file tests msgpack’s serialization, the seconds tests json serialization with “assoc” option set to false and the third one serializes into json with “assoc” option set to true.

To execute such benchmarks I chose to use Travis CI, since pretty much anyone can check the numbers and reproduce the tests. In short, these are the environment details I collected from my travis executions:

In a near future I will upgrade such benchmarks to use PHP 8’s JIT. As I wrote in another post about how JIT works, the Just In Time compiler can speed up CPU-bound operations quite a lot.

The entity I used to serialize/deserialize is a real response from github issues API. It has 2321 lines and 147 KB of length. Sounds to me like a decent example to represent a real-world application response.

You can check out the entity here:

MessagePack is faster and lighter than JSON

As you can see, I hate hiding information. I can tell right away that MessagePack outperformed JSON in every single test.

But the difference is actually quite small. See for yourself…

Output sizes:

Talking about APIs, one of the most important aspects is the message body length being transported over the Network. The raw values are quite impressive, but any good developer knows that in most cases we should compress their API responses using filters like gzip or brotli.

So for this comparison I decided to show the content length encoded in both formats and gzipped as well.

Here you find the comparison table:

Format Encoded (bytes) Encoded + Gzipped (bytes)
JSON 143025 26214
MessagePack 120799 (-22226) 26074 (-140)

As you can see when no compression filter is applied, MessagePack is about 22 KB lighter than JSON. But when we apply gzip in both values, MessagePack still wins but the difference is only 140 bytes. Not expressive.

Serialization/Deserialization Times:

The other important bit of message serialization is how long it takes to serialize that format and deserialize it. For this test I decided to serialize and deserialize the same entity multiple times and take notes of their memory usage and processing time.

The memory usage doesn’t seem to change in such test type unless you decode the same entity 1 Million times, which I hope is not common for most php applications. Therefore, I won’t present the memory usage numbers as in this benchmark the variation was 0 bytes.

While collecting JSON numbers, I found that deserializing with the assoc option equals to true is slightly faster in comparison with assoc equals to false. Which is quite interesting and kind of make sense.

Since assoc true yield faster results for JSON, I’ll use them in our next comparison table.

Here it goes:

Loops JSON Encoding (s) MessagePack Encoding (s) JSON Decoding (s) MessagePack Decoding (s)
1 0.00064 0.00019 (-0,00045) 0.00164 0.00051 (-0,00113)
10 0.00340 0.00082 (-0,00258) 0.00866 0.00194 (-0,00672)
100 0.03135 0.00732 (-0,02403) 0.07905 0.01700 (-0,06205)
1000 0.30385 0.07250 (-0,23135) 0.77422 0.16785 (-0,60637)
10000 3.02723 0.72503 (-2,95472) 7.74523 1.65804 (-6,08719)
100000 30.29353 7.25324 (-23,04029) 77.48423 16.71792 (-60,76631)

The loops number here means how many times we executed the same operation. Being the operation a json_encode, msgpack_pack, json_decode or msgpack_unpack.

Personally I’d pay attention to the numbers from 1 to 100 loops. Above that number, it seems to get unrealistic to me. I left them there anyways though, the results start getting very interesting from 10k loops on.

As you could notice, the differences are quite low for the first loops.

When a single encoding operation is called, MessagePack is faster by 0,45 ms. Not expressive. When the number of encoding operations grow to 100, the difference start being noticeable being MessagePack able to save 24 ms in comparison with json.

Decoding operations usually are slower for both formats, but MessagePack wins here again. When performing a single decode operation, MessagePack is faster by 1 ms. While 100 decode operations execute 62 ms faster with MessagePack instead of json.

Even though the decoding difference is big enough when 100 items need to be decoded, I believe for most applications it is very unlikely to happen. A number of operations between 1 and 10 is quite plausible for me and MessagePack yielded 2 ms savings while encoding and 6 ms while decoding an entity 10 times.

Good numbers but not very expressive.

Should I migrate from Json to MessagePack?

When it comes to software engineering, the only proper answer is: depends. Every application comes with different backgrounds and challenges.

For example, if you’re exchanging files among different systems and compressing your content is not an option then MessagePack can be great for saving disk space or reducing the load on a stream operation.

An application communicating with microservices on the back-end might benefit from MessagePack’s speed savings if the amount of microservices per request is superior to 10.

I suspect (even though I didn’t test this) encoding/decoding MessagePack using JavaScript might be slightly slower in comparison with json, since MessagePack doesn’t run as part of the JavaScript engine (Node, V8). So possibly Front-End applications wouldn’t benefit from MessagePack just yet.

Besides that, debugging responses from the Network tab would get super annoying. On the other hand, this might be an easy way avoid crawlers as the format is not so common.

As any other benchmark, this one is quite useless if you’re searching for an easy to use information. You’ll have to adapt this to your scenario and see how it behaves.

Luckily enough migrating from one to another should be as simple as changing a function call from json_encode to msgpack_pack and from json_decode to msgpack_unpack. In case of communicating with microservices, a simple Accept header should do the trick as well.

Of course the bigger the amount of points to refactor, the more it costs to implement and test such changes. Make sure you evaluate the possible gains you’ll get before trying to move all your services and consumers to refactor.

To me a 30 minutes work for 2 ms savings seem to be fair enough. Spending 3 weeks for the same 2 ms savings don’t seem to make sense at all. At least not on the scale I’m used to work with.

Using MessagePack from the beginning seems to make sense, though. As it overperforms json in every single test. So if you’re developing something brand-new, consider MessagePack.

Don’t forget sharing this with your geeky friends and colleagues. I’m certain MessagePack will be a good option for many of them.